Sunday, October 29, 2017


UNIVERSAL FLOOR SOURCE lied to the CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSING BOARD when they noticed the SYNCHRONY BANK account was zeroed. BENJAMIN KARAKHANIAN of UNIVERSAL FLOOR SOURCE took credit for the zero balance on the off chance that the CSLB would not investigate further to find out that claim was a lie. BEN K received the money. BEN K did not deliver the merchandise the money was for. BEN K / UNIVERSAL FLOOR SOURCE kept the money for kitchen cabinets that were never delivered. AGAIN: BEN K lied to the CSLB and claimed he gave the money back to SYNCHRONY BANK. SYNCHRONY BANK confirmed that they did not get that money back.

BEN K did unauthorized demolition on the hope that if insurance didn't pay for it, the homeowner would be forced to. BEN K knew he was doing this to a senior citizen on fixed income with an autistic son who was very ill. BEN K knew James often could not get out of bed for weeks at a time. BEN K knew James' birth father was deceased. He knew I was a single mom. He knew at all times that he was victimizing a family without resources to hire an attorney.

BEN K would yell at my autistic son, "I love you, James" in spite of the fact that this frightened James and made him cry, sometimes to the point of head banging. Anyone who knows James even a little knows James is greatly distressed when strangers try to force him to talk to them. BEN K would act like he didn't notice he was upsetting James.

BEN K told my insurance company, ASSURANT, that he rushed the job because my autistic son James needed to be able to move back into his home, that James was like a son to him. BEN K does not know my son from Adam. BEN K's destruction of our kitchen has permanently harmed James. All of my son's doctors can verify what the stress of not being able to live in our home has done to James. James fainted in September 2017 and had to go by ambulance from our emergency housing hotel (MARRIOTT) to the emergency room. James was in the emergency room five times in September 2017. He is not able to cope mentally or physically with the profound stress these greedy contractors are heaping upon him. Insurance company representatives are witness to UNIVERSAL FLOOR SOURCE'S using James as the excuse for doing unauthorized demolition. BEN K yelled into the phone to ASSURANT insurance, in front of witnesses, that he did it for James. We have since used up all of our emergency housing resources and James has been in a serious downward spiral caused by this stress.

For the record, if UNIVERSAL FLOOR SOURCE is claiming that "love" for an autistic boy is the reason they made him homeless by violating the terms of the insurance company, it has to be made clear that BEN K and UNIVERSAL FLOOR SOURCE did not know James at all. BEN K was just using my autistic son the way he tried to use the MOLD REMEDIATION contractors by blaming demolition he did on BUILDING CLEANING SERVICE when in fact he did the damage to the flooring. BEN K would just shout, "I love you, James!" as he went through our house like a hurricane,ordering us to stay out of the double tent while he told his workers to do work ASSURANT did not authorize yet. The insurance company and the CSLB have detailed accounts of this outrageous, unprofessional, criminal behavior. 

It was creepy that BEN K kept saying James was "like his son" and that I was "like his sister". BEN K would say this when I would ask for things in writing, verification that he communicated with my insurance company. BEN K would claim there was no need for things in writing because I was "like his sister". Customers should see it as a red flag if UNIVERSAL FLOOR SOURCE calls them "family". 

I saw with my own eyes what is called "micro" expressions on BEN K's face when he was talking to my autistic son. BEN K snarled at my son, with an ugly expression while he claimed to "love" him "like a son".  BEN K abused me and my son with this inappropriate "love talk" and he did so to avoid answering business questions that we were entitled to ask and get answers for. Sometimes BEN K would use a rude tone of voice, snap at you when you asked for verification of prices. BEN K barked at me that it was none of my business what things I was buying from him cost, that I was not his business partner. In light of the way he spoke to me, he does not like or respect his "sister" very much and he has hatred for his "son" to do what he did to James. There is no room in business for this type of blatant emotional abuse of customers.

Here are some of the  Question and Answer emails I gathered for the CSLB, the insurance companies and for SYNCHRONY BANK'S sake so they also would not become victims of UNIVERSAL FLOOR SOURCE lies. Mr Pollack of SYNCHRONY BANK has answered all the questions CSLB asked me to clarify for them in BOLD BLACK PRINT. 

FROM: Steven Pollack of SYNCHRONY BANK:


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